This happened to me years ago in Italy. I'm a painter, and when I was thirty I began to go to Europe and live in other countries. At that time I usually stayed in hotels and painted on the streets of major cities to make enough for the hotel and something to eat. This was about 1980. I was having a tough time in Rome. I painted in front of the Fontona Di Trevi, painting the statues and selling the paintings to tourists, then walking to the art store to buy another canvas. All this is public record, described in an autobiographical book called False Memories by Gabrille Mallarme. If you just type in False Memories - Anton Brzezinski on Google you'll find it dozens of place. Sorry the names are hard to spell. Anyway, between the price of hotels and canvas, I could barely make it, An architect and his wife invited me to stay at their place in Fescati, outside Rome. I'm getting to the time travel, don't worry! I had to explain where it happened and why I was painting what I did when it occurred! This is a serious and powerful experience.
The man asked me to do a copy of a Picasso. I don't paint copies, but he had been so generous. I discovered he was obsessive and wanted an EXACT copy of the painting, Three Musicians.
It began by buying a canvas the exact size, not hard since over there the stand sizes are in CM, not inches, and usually standard sizes like 40 x 60 cm. We read up on what size the original was and bought a stretched canvas to match. I believe the exactness of every detail is what triggered the experience. Believe it or not, next he took me to his drafting table, and he enlarged a photo of the painting for me to paint using his architects tools like triangles, special rulers and a compass. Very strange. But the result is the painting was perfectly proportioned, lacking only color. For three days I guessed what pigments picasso would have used, and worked laboriously to make the surfaces perfect and the edges true. It's a stylized picture of three musicians On the afternoon of the third day it happened.
Nothing like this ever happened before. I'm definitely not prone to having hallucinations. I wasn't tired, hadn't been drinking, no drugs, not even during my entire summer in Europe. As I concentrated on the painting, I had the radio on and an old French song began to play, Something hideous but strangely appealing with an accordion. The quality of the light in the room began to change, becoming more golden, everything was vivid. I realized in recreating the steps Picasso took to do the painting, my arms and posture were exactly as his had been in the moment I dropped into. But more, My arms changed, shortened slightly, becoming more musculed forearms with a different kind of hair on the backs of them. I realized I was looking at Picasso's arms and I was in 1921! This happened to me and I have no way to prove it, but I have a strong grip on it, an analytical mind and a discerning ability to see reality. Over the years as a portrait artist and so on, I've trained myself to see what's really there. The canvas was in front of me, and of course it was the original painting, which differed in no way from my copy in size color or texture except the original had been painted in 1921. I had been looking at the painting, realized the light was different and I was somewhere else, glanced down at my arms and it was over. Being shocked snaps you back. The whole experience lasted about five seconds. I know it did because the music was still audible I know what triggered this...
Concordances. A concordance being something which is exactly the same.
Concordance 1. The piece of music. It was also playing in 1921. Picasso or his neighbor had the radio on as well.
Concordance 2. The exact same painting, or a very exacting replica of it.
Concordance 3. Picasso painted it during the summer of 1921. It was summer in Italy, the warmth of the air.
Concordance 4. The position of the artist in front of the painting, his distance from it, which had to be the same.
Well, it happened. It was a similar principle to a movie I saw later, also a great book to read. The film has Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve, Somewhere in Time. It was fiction of course, but the principle was valid! If you can create enough concordances and sufficiently focus, you can time travel. My experience gave me readon to believe thats true. Only I know it wasn't dream like. It was as real as looking at the monitor and keyboard right now in the physical reality. The principle works. You already drop a coin with a past date in the witness well of the HDR, imagine how you can do more concordances for more accuracy and greater success.
More power to you.